By Jennifer Jones founder of Your Stylist by Jennifer Jones Styling

Choosing clothes that complement your colouring, body shape and personality

Everyone has their own style and style can be personal but there are some very helpful tips that can give women confidence at any stage of life. Allowing women to choose clothes that complement their colouring, body shape and personality. Style starts with you, how you’re feeling now and what you want to achieve, because we believe that every woman deserves to feel confident, comfortable and stylish all of the time (it is possible!) wherever you are on your womanhood journey.

Using our style tips can allow you to become confident with choosing the right silhouettes for your body shape, the best colours for your skin tone, and the styles that suit your personality and lifestyle. It’s all about your style and what’s best for you!

Top tips on dressing using colours that suit your skin tones

1. When you discover your best colours, it’s truly empowering! You’re no longer second guessing whether your colour choices are right for you – you’re getting it spot on every time! Discovering your best palette means you no longer feel overwhelmed by all the choice out there – you’re confident in what you need and how to spot it!

2. When you wear your best colours, your skin illuminates and you instantly look healthier and youthful – and that’s why you walk taller, command the room and ooze confidence!

3. Identifying your seasonal palette is all about matching the colours to the undertone of your skin and your features. For example, opt for cool colours if you have a cool undertone or warm if you have a warm undertone to your skin. Then choose soft, clear, light or deep colours to match your features!

4. Colour is most important when it’s near your face, so consider introducing your best colours via your tops, as well as your accessories such as jewellery and hats. And don’t forget makeup – a lipstick in one of your best colours can be your best accessory! Another thing you can do is go through your existing wardrobe and see what you need. Once you know where the gaps are, start with adding in those items in your best colours. Over time, you’ll start to see a lot more of your palette and everything will blend effortlessly!

5. Everyone can wear most colours, it’s the shades and tones that really count. But try to avoid your opposite colour family, for example, stick to warm colours if you’re an autumn or spring, and cool colours if you’re a winter or summer. I see lots of people trying to match colours to swatches when they’re shopping… this can be restrictive! Instead of trying to match them exactly, really take the time understand the theory of colour, and this way you’ll seek them out with ease and be able to have lots of fun with it!

What style stage of life are you?

When it comes to your style, it’s important to recognise that it’s ever evolving, and so the key is to be mindful of what’s working for you – what you love, what fits you well, what feels good and what is or isn’t serving you.

Keeping on top of your wardrobe and ensuring it grows with you is so important – you stylist will help you rediscover what’s right for you right now, how you’re feeling and make sure your wardrobe makes you feel your best at all times.

Style tips for women in later stages of life

With peri/menopause, as well as body shape changes (a time to re-visit body shape analysis), we can have lots of practical requirements too, such as hot flushes, which requires a need for mastering layering as well as choosing fabrics that will help you feel comfortable. At this point of your life, you might find that you feel more anxious and less decisive, which again, your wardrobe needs to be made easy and effortless to help you through this time.

About the expert

Jennifer Jones is the founder of Your Stylist by Jennifer Jones Styling, a UK-wide team of talented and caring stylists dedicated to empowering women through fashion. Based in Southampton with her husband and young son, Jennifer’s passion for fashion began early. Growing up as a dancer, she valued creativity and self-expression, which she channels into her styling work.

After a career in marketing, Jennifer transitioned to personal styling, training professionally and gaining experience at John Lewis. Since founding Your Stylist in 2018, she has specialised in helping mums and women transitioning from corporate roles, ensuring they feel confident and stylish every day.